The perioperative complications occurred in 8 cases, the complication rate was 29.6%, among them 4 cases were pancreatic fistula, 1 case was islets of langerhans deficiency, 1 case was pancreatic cyst, 1 case was biliary fistula, 1 case was abdominal infection. 围术期发生并发症8例,并发症发生率29.6%,其中胰瘘4例,胰岛功能不足1例,胰腺囊肿1例,胆汁瘘及腹腔感染各1例,均经处理后治愈。
The surgical treatment of pancreatic cyst in children 小儿胰腺囊肿的治疗
Conclusions With the intraoperative cholangiopancreatography ( ICP), the entry points of the common bile duct and pancreatic duct, the level of cyst resection must be identified in order to prevent the pancreatic duct injury. 结论术中造影可清楚显示胆胰管连接系统,指导胆总管囊肿根治切除术离断胆胰管连接部水平,避免损伤胰管。
Results Most adolescent patients had congenital malformation of the pancreaticobiliary duct ( pancreatic divisum in 1 case, anomalous junction of pancreaticobiliary duct in 1 case, and choledochal cyst in 2 cases). 结果青少年患者大多存在先天性胰胆管发育异常(胰腺分裂1例,胰胆管合流异常1例,胆总管囊肿2例)。
Methods: To conclude and analyze 7 cases of Children with pancreatic and pseudocyst including 4 cases of cyst and intestines Roux-y anastomosis, 2 cases of cyst and stomach anastomosis. 方法:对7例小儿胰腺假性囊肿进行总结分析。其中4例行囊肿、空肠Roux-y吻合术,2例行囊肿、胃吻合术。
This disease should be distinguished with pancreatic cyst, right renal cyst, mesenteric cyst, solitary or multiple hepatic cysts, and obstructive intrahepatic bile duct dilatation. 本病需与胰头囊肿、右肾囊肿、肠系膜囊肿、肝内单发或多发囊肿、梗阻性肝内胆管扩张等病鉴别。
Cases by external drainage, 2 cases had pancreatic fistulas, 1 patient died and 1 patient had of recurred cyst. 外引流术中胰瘘2例,多发性囊肿复发1例,感染死亡1例;
Pancreatic cyst: analysis of 28 cases 胰腺囊肿28例分析
Pancreatic cyst in 1 case. 胰腺囊肿1例(9%);
Prevention and treatment for pancreatic duct injury during the excision of choledochal cyst 胆总管囊肿切除术中胰管损伤的防治
Results The least size of the pancreatic cancer was 3 cm and that of the pancreatic cyst was 2.3 cm. 结果①所穿刺病灶最小径胰腺癌为3cm,囊肿为2.3cm;
There were 3 example with pancreatic fistula, 1 example with pseudo pancreatic gland cyst. 发生胰瘘3例,假性胰腺囊肿1例。
Purpose To study the diagnosis and the treatment of pancreatic cyst. 目的探讨真性胰腺囊肿(TPC)和假性囊肿(PPC)的诊断与治疗。
Results 4 cases of pancreatic pseudocyst, 2 cases of multiple pancreatic abscess, 1 case of pancreatic cystadenoma, 1 case of parasitic cyst were discovered. 结果4例胰腺假性囊肿,2例胰腺多发性脓肿,1例囊腺瘤,1例坏死性胰腺癌,1例胰腺寄生虫性囊肿。
Results The cystic disease in pancreas was found after acute pancreatitis in 34 patients, after chronic pancreatitis in 37, after trauma in 2. Meanwhile, 1 patient was found to suffer from congenital pancreatic cyst. 结果囊肿发生于急性胰腺炎后34例,慢性胰腺炎后37例,外伤后2例,先天性1例。
Pancreatic duct anomalies associated with ectopic papilla of vater in choledochal cyst 先天性胆总管囊肿胰管发育与十二指肠乳头异位的关系
The classification of pancreatic cyst is diverse to guide the theraphy of the pancreatic cyst. 胰腺囊肿的分类方法较多,但无论如何分类均是为了指导治疗。